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  HOUSEFULL INDIA at a Glance 


India is known for its colorful diversity in almost all the respects. The Indian subcontinent physiography ranges from the high mountains of Himalayas in the north to the deep oceans to its south, the arid sunny Thar desert in the west to the mangroves of Sunderbans in the East to the cold Ladakhi desert up in the hills. Its secularism can be seen in its people whether, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, Buddhists and Christians living together in peaceful harmony as the inseparable part of the cultural fabric of the country. Since ancient times, it has welcomed all including the traders and the invaders from Aryans to Turks from Central Asia and French, Portuguese and finally, the British from Europe.

India has been the spiritual leader to the world since the days when Indus Valley Civilization opened its eyes in the lap of the Himalayas and the fertile Gangetic plains, long before humans learnt to do farming in other parts of the world. Still the traces of its great past, the profound influence and grand monuments of the Mughal period and colonial settlements can be seen strewn around the country. With Pakistan on its west and China, Nepal and Myanmar to its east, India is still a developing country emerging rapidly as one of the biggest markets with immense trading potentials.

Here we have provided some information that will help you in understanding the nation of India as a whole.

  • Constitution Of India: The Constitution of India was drafted by the Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly held its first sitting on the 9th December, 1946. It reassembled on the 14th August, 1947, as the sovereign Constituent Assembly for the Dominion of India.
  • Economy Of India: India's economy encompasses traditional village farming, modern agriculture, handicrafts, a wide range of modern industries, and a multitude of support services. Government controls have been reduced on foreign trade and investment, and privatization of domestic output has proceeded slowly.
  • Famous Quotes On India: Here we have provided some famous quotes on India that were spoken by some famous proples from around the world.
  • Government Of India: India is a democratic country and have one of the largest democracy in the world. Here government of India plays an important part in deciding how to run the country.
  • Indian Geography: India is a vast country and is surrounded by mountains from one side and by oceans from the other. Some fact and figures regarding the Indian gographical conditions have been provided.
  • National Symbols: National symbols are symbols of states, nations and countries in the world. National symbols are created to unite people by creating visual, verbal, or iconic representations of a nation's people, values, goals, or history.
  • Population Of India: India is the second most populated country in the world with more than on billion people living in this country. Here some figures regarding the Indian population have been displayed.

Sites Related to INDIA

Rediff  On The Net

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khoj The Great Indian Search Engine - It happens only in Indya

Indiatimes - Your Gateway to India - India's Premier Portal

Garamchai.Com ... for the desi in pardes

forIndia Welcomes You

Best Indian Sites - Selection of best India related sites

Indiaworld-India's First Portal Site

Architecture of India - Great Buildings Online

Dial India

Free India Celebrating 50 Years of India's Freedom

Harappa The Indus Valley and the Raj

India Geography, Maps and Information - Geography

History of India

Hindustan Org  - Network of People of Indian Origin

India Links

IndiaExpress  - News Business Entertainment Travel Culture Lifestyle

India Online

India related Links

India talking Discussions indian topics

India Yellow Pages - The complete Indian Business web site

IndiaCity....The complete guide to Indian Cities

IndiaConnect - Connects India to the world - Online since 1995


INDOlink - Linking Indians Worldwide!


Intellicast Weather - Asia LocalWeather 

Colors of India

Itihaas The History of India

Maps of India, States and Union Territories

Princely India .... [Information on Indian Princes]

SurfIndia - The Best Indian Experience on the Net

The Big Eye

The Horizons - Art, Culture and Lifestyles from India

The India Network Foundation - Serving the Indian Community since 1988

Welcome to Discovery India - The ultimate information center on India

Welcome to France in India

NRI Online - Home for Non Resident Indians Worldwide! 

Several links to the history of India

EAWC Ancient India

Mahatma Gandhi The complete information

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